He is a perfect embodiment of the so-called market forces dogma of the Thatcher years in its most brutish form.
To all appearances, he was the most brutish of their tot, a squat, gnomelike figure whose spiked club often spoke more eloquently than he ever could.
And even the most brutish expression of hatred can be less injurious than deceitful expressions of good will.
He studies the most brutish of the medics as if they were textbooks of masculinity.
If it is in any sense true, that can only be for the most brutish of political reasons [...] Consider the chart:
In a village near the last of these places I had the curiosity to go and see their way of living, which is most brutish and unsufferable.
Even the most brutish makeover shows on Fox have a sentimental streak, albeit strained and artificial.
Gotrek said in his most brutish and surly fashion.
Box The largest and most brutish of Grope's henchmen.
The most brutish warrior of a generation of warriors.