Purple moorgrass is the most bountiful plant, creating colorful landscapes throughout the country side.
America, the richest and most bountiful of the industrialized countries, can do better.
It is an excellent house, and the proprietors have most bountiful notions of providing the creature comforts.
It is the best time of year to cook because the local Greenmarkets are at their most bountiful.
Furthermore, they moved seasonally depending on where the most bountiful food would be.
And, again, how he foretold a rich season, and our harvests were the most bountiful we had ever known!
He is a scheming opportunist who sides with whatever party promises him the most bountiful spoils.
Despite its people's shabby living standards, the Soviet Union is one of the world's most bountiful nations.
These experiences have confirmed that ours is a strong and vibrant nation full of people whose hearts are bigger than even our most bountiful harvest.
The winner is believed to harvest the most bountiful crops for the year ahead.