Nothing, not even what is lowest and most bestial, will not be raised again if it submits to death.
August 1947 came, the time which witnessed the most bestial bloodshed of the era.
He referred to war as pazzia bestialissima, the most bestial madness.
Now he was right outside the chapel wall, and he suddenly threw himself down there and began snuffling and groveling in the most bestial style.
His broad, high-standing ears were the most leonine, the most bestial, thing about his strange head.
Saint like cultures and the most bestial savagery; all clicking neatly into place within its infinite interior.
Their most bestial of tormentors they've worshipped as their liberator?
We killed millions of people in Europe in the most bestial way, in defiance of all conventions.
Tens of thousands of their fellows were murdered by the forces of Croatia's wartime fascist state in the most bestial way.
Often I think I can see some sort of reason for things, but this seems to be simply the most bestial violence.