Either this Dolras was a most atypical Klingon or he had been through a pretty bad time.
The joint family encounters many typically Indian situations, but they try to solve it in the most atypical fashion imaginable.
Perhaps most atypical is the life span of the groups, which is limited to two months.
But few are predicting a typical recovery to follow what has been a most atypical stumble.
"It is certainly going to be the most atypical season we've ever had."
It is considered one of the most atypical commedia all'italiana film.
This most atypical of Hamptons restaurants is also one of its best.
In all, it has been a most atypical journey for a tennis star.
There was a most atypical warmth in Nahrmahn's smile.
"East Along the Equator" is a travel book, then, but a most atypical one.