For instance, theater in the United States is not by a long shot doing the most adventuresome work.
Find out more about her adventures as well of the exploits of some of the most adventuresome cowboys of the Old West.
Ms. Akers's new show, "Theater Songs," is the warmest, deepest and most adventuresome of her career.
He must feel most confident - or most adventuresome - to send a mage of any sort to Brysta as an envoy.
For the most adventuresome, Baan Klang Nam offers full complements of chilies.
She also felt Nimitz's mingled amusement, pride, and exasperation as he addressed himself firmly to the most adventuresome of his offspring.
Even then, the most adventuresome home cooks may not recognize what they have found when they have found it.
Describing his work, Arion Press said, "Initially conservative, he became associated with the most adventuresome publications of the time..."
But there were six sons and not enough land to go around, so my pa, being the most adventuresome of the bunch, decided to come out to Oregon.
THE county's halls of learning are frequently our most adventuresome halls of music, a fact well borne out by the concert calendar this week.