The past six months had been the most absorbing and exciting of his life.
Music is the most absorbing and incorporeal of the arts, the one that breezes past all defenses; you can't close your ears.
Later, we sit on our terrace and watch the day pass as though at the most absorbing performance.
The subject was, What was the most absorbing and longest-lived passion in the human breast?
The Lindbergh kidnap-murder case of the 1930's may have been the century's most absorbing crime story.
The most absorbing chapter of the book discusses not past battles but contemporary ones.
He has created an object that is the most absorbing book/toy I've played with in a long time.
The shipbuilding business was more stimulating to him, and horse racing was the most absorbing of all.
As might be expected, some of the most absorbing pieces are those that describe a specific narrative.
But this detail is not of such great import that you should be put off sampling what is a most absorbing set.