Another sign was a tumbled heap of moss-covered logs, once a fair-sized house.
My family watched as I flitted like a nymph through the woods, careening off of boulders and leaping mammoth moss-covered logs.
Colors seem more vivid, too, like the verdant green that's exclusive to a moss-covered log.
Zelana and Eleria sat side by side on a moss-covered log in the center of a clearing in the middle of the grove.
In a spot thin of brush, Richard found a moss-covered log to sit on while he kept an eye toward the camp and the surrounding woods.
She started walking again, doggedly pushing aside branches, crawling over moss-covered logs, splashing in and out of the edge of the river.
The mushrooms grow in groups or clusters on decaying wood such as fallen twigs and sticks, moss-covered logs, and stumps.
Sharpe went slowly, threading the horse between the ancient trunks and past fallen, moss-covered logs.
We turned away - and both saw something scamper behind a fallen, moss-covered log.
Cedar boughs drooped from above, making it twilight where Maggie was trying to pick her way around moss-covered logs.