Dengue fever, malaria and other mosquito borne illnesses (including chikungunya fever) occur in Malaysia.
For instance Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is a viral, mosquito borne illness usually regarded only as a risk in the tropics.
And mosquitoes: the word in Frances was that in Naracoorte, the nearest sizeable town and one which has a hospital, they are getting four or five new cases of the mosquito borne Ross River virus a week.
C4 Business Digest C1 EDITORIAL A10-11 Editorials: When mosquitoes bear disease; a blueprint for Ulster's police; Verlyn Klinkenborg on the Harry Potter books.
This model is also used for other mosquito borne infections including filaria and dengue.
Now, it is ticks that carry Lyme disease, and mosquitoes bearing the Eastern equine encephalitis virus.
The first virus capable of causing hepatitis was the yellow fever virus a mosquito borne flavivirus.
The principal mosquito borne diseases are the viral diseases yellow fever, dengue fever and malaria carried by the genera Anopheles and Culex.
Various mosquito borne diseases, such as Dengue fever, Chikungunya and Malaria are common to Sri Lanka.