He bowed slightly and then left, a mortified expression replacing his supercilious sneer.
The elves froze with mortified expressions while they waited for Saphira's reaction.
I know,' she said lamely, like a schoolgirl, looking at the mortified expression on Allsop's face.
By the mortified and vacant expression on the pizza face of the father-to-be the only reasonable answer to this question was 'nothing'.
It's too late for me-and for you, I fear, unless..." The man's mortified expression was quickly replaced by wrath.
She aimed a mortified expression toward the ceiling as she threw her hands up.
The wild man rolled to his feet in a single, sinuous movement, looking down at his body with a mortified expression, "Alas!
Victoria worked to keep the mortified expression off her face.
Torres was hard put not to laugh at Neelix's shocked and mortified expression.
A mortified expression crossed the Gallamite's face, and she lowered her head, giving Chen a perfect view of the brain inside her transparent skull.