The fall from 4 percent a week ago should push mortgage interest rates even lower.
Housing prices were beginning to approach levels of the late 1980's, but lower mortgage interest rates continued to make homes more affordable.
That's only the case if mortgage interest rates had stayed constant.
Lower mortgage interest rates might help, but not much.
At the outset, both sites provide the national average for mortgage interest rates.
Refinance and take advantage of today's low mortgage interest rates.
Lower mortgage interest rates also supported the switch, he said.
"The thing that's driving them up is the low mortgage interest rates," he said.
Nationwide, mortgage interest rates have fallen about 2.5 percent since 1989.
This included £1,794.77 a month in mortgage interest rate.
The fall from 4 percent a week ago should push mortgage interest rates even lower.
Housing prices were beginning to approach levels of the late 1980's, but lower mortgage interest rates continued to make homes more affordable.
That's only the case if mortgage interest rates had stayed constant.
Lower mortgage interest rates might help, but not much.
At the outset, both sites provide the national average for mortgage interest rates.
Refinance and take advantage of today's low mortgage interest rates.
Lower mortgage interest rates also supported the switch, he said.
"The thing that's driving them up is the low mortgage interest rates," he said.
Nationwide, mortgage interest rates have fallen about 2.5 percent since 1989.
This included £1,794.77 a month in mortgage interest rate.