Portman's discount is restricted to mortgages backed by a Scottish Life endowment policy.
In part, it tacks on additional fees to mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Later, needed to finance his debt, Phelps obtained a mortgage backed by his companies.
Both versions of this bill impose a permanent new tax on every mortgage backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
And while the industry does indeed hold a lot of mortgages backed by sagging commercial real estate, much of its asset base is worth far more than book value.
The road was built with mortgages from New York, Boston and London, backed by land grants.
The Government said today that it was putting tighter lending standards into place for mortgages backed by the Federal Housing Administration.
The mortgage, backed by tax-exempt bonds, has limits on both household incomes and the home-purchase price.
A fee tacked onto new mortgages backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac is also in the mix.
The companies then package thousands of mortgages and issue securities backed by those mortgages.