The blades were steel and often poisoned, so that the slightest cut would mortally wound the opponent.
The brothers mortally wound each other, Balin outliving Balan only by a few hours.
One of the machine gunners managed to mortally wound his companion Jack Miller.
It follows after at least one original shot intended to mortally wound or kill the victim.
Thanks to Cato's intervention, the German bodyguards are able to catch the assassin and mortally wound him.
Most are like Marsham, and a stern look will mortally wound him.
However, the Shinkengers take advantage of the events and mortally wound him before he explodes.
"It was a thousand cuts, none of which mortally wound you."
He even uses a peasant's weapon, some sort of cudgel, to mortally wound the pretentious steward.
During the final battle she manages to mortally wound Ryoma, but then she herself meets her death at his hands.