This statistic is based upon coastwide mortality studies.
Though mortality studies have been conducted for many mammal species, this is the first to examine trends across species.
We have used the cohort mortality studies and a value of statistical life (VSL) approach.
The American Hospital Association cautioned patients against leaping to conclusions on the basis of the mortality study.
This mortality rate is very similar to that seen in the mortality studies for conventional management of acute myocardial infarction without thrombolytic treatment.
"We've done mortality studies in the past, and you go out and do your study, and come back and say, 'Here it is,' and just start using it."
Stasik et al. obtained similar results in their previous mortality study carried out on a cohort of 335 male employees exposed to 4-COT at plants in Frankfurt.
"The Players Association has been pushing for a mortality study."
Unlike the mortality study, the purpose was to find out which components of the Adventist lifestyle give protection against disease.
The International Rescue Committee released a mortality study today that captures the country's terror.