Several species have even been described multiple times by different researchers, and several are often considered to be morphologically different enough to warrant being placed into their own genus.
Several morphologically different species are recognized.
The two subfamilies appear to be morphologically different, with members of Branchiosteginae having deep bodies, large heads and large, somewhat subterminal mouths.
They exhibit sexual dimorphism, which means the male and female are morphologically different.
These groups are morphologically different and their ranges do not overlap.
It is morphologically different from that species, however, and is currently placed in the genus Trachylepis as a species of uncertain identity.
There are many species, and even more populations that are isolated from each other and morphologically different.
The female's crest is different morphologically, with more rigid plumes that take up more surface area along the occiput and upper hind neck.
The legs produced in the mesothorax are morphologically different than the forelegs and hind legs.
The prohibitive mood, the negative imperative may be grammatically or morphologically different from the imperative mood in some languages.