Due to their morphological variation they make up unique defining structures in cestodes.
Secondly there are significant morphological variations though their resemblance is overwhelming.
Shells from all the localities show definite morphological variations.
The taxonomy of the mahseers is confusing due to the morphological variations they exhibit.
This assessment is not universally accepted, possibly because it falls within the range of morphological variation shown by the main variety.
Due to its morphological variation, V. thapsus has had a great many subspecies described.
It shows great morphological variation throughout its range, ideal for questions about evolution and population genetics.
In mammals, the humerus displays a wide morphological variation.
However, later studies identified significant morphological variation in the joints of the forearms, which would not be consistent with sexual dimorphism.
This particular city is the home for more than eighteen million octospiders, if we count all the different morphological variations, the Eagle said.