Unlike modern English, Old English is a language rich with morphological diversity.
Continuing work on the molecular and morphological diversity of afrotherian mammals has provided ever increasing support for their common ancestry.
Amaranthus shows a wide variety of morphological diversity among and even within certain species.
It is likely that some individually named species are in fact a single species but with an under-appreciated morphological diversity.
Cylindroleberididae is a family of ostracods that shows remarkable morphological diversity.
Palms live in almost every type of warm habitat and have tremendous morphological diversity.
Plants exposure are morphological and taxonomic diversity within the family.
The morphological diversity of oca tubers, in particular, is astounding.
The morphological diversity among members of the order has confused past taxonomy, but these genera appear to be united in genetic analyses.
In fact, they're not really species, they all interbreed, but the names exist to express a real phenomenon which is this incredible morphological diversity.