Besides, morning worship there were midday sermons and in sessions together with evening worship.
In his return journey, he stops by at this village to perform his early morning worship to Sun (the so called sandhyavandanam or suryopasana).
The call to morning prayers was sounded from the city's many mosques, while bells would be rung in Hindu temples to begin morning worship.
In a terrorist attack on October 7, 2005, 8 people Ahmadis were gunned down and 20 were injured while at morning worship.
The Anglican chapel had regular morning worship.
The church no longer has a Sunday evening service and the morning worship is attended by about thirty-five 'old faithfuls'.
The members unite every Sunday for morning worship and praise.
They've stopped their work just now and they're joining us for our morning worship along with some children from James Gillespie's High School Choir.
The hymn board hanging to the far right of the pulpit was set up for morning worship.
The girls attend most Saturday mornings during term time and sing a short choral service of morning worship at 11.45 am.