Subsequently, the show was replayed in an 11:00am morning slot in early 2006.
By 2000, however, it was only being aired in a morning slot, usually at 09:30.
In 1960, Robin's show moved to the morning slot.
And in short order, the station gave him a shot at the morning slot.
He was also playing in his regular morning slot when the news came of the terrorist attacks.
And woe to the person who doesn't get a coveted early morning slot.
New telephone reservation systems have largely eliminated the ordeal of players sleeping all night in their cars just to get a morning slot.
It was often shown in the early morning slot before the magazine show, Going Live.
The programme stayed in that early morning slot from 09:00 to 10:00 until 2005.
The show's move to the morning slot was notable for a few reasons.