But long summer weekends with guests seem to demand the occasional blowout breakfast, and after a few rounds of pancakes and waffles I broke down and assembled this extremely serious morning repast.
On weekends, Ken Dunne, a designer and decorator, looks forward to a morning repast of eggs and waffles at Bubby's, one of his favorite restaurants in TriBeCa.
Pell had yet to see Deverell lucid, or even sober, at morning repast.
"We will add a little Middle Eastern flavor to our morning repast, no?"
Professor Slocombe picked delicately at his morning repast and listened to it all with the greatest interest.
But in spite of his preoccupation, Michel Ardan did not forget to prepare the morning repast with his accustomed punctuality.
Downstairs the Duke was up, preparing for the morning repast.
A simple bowl of bran and a glass of salt water serve as my early morning repast.' '
The younger children were breakfasting in their own quarters, under the benevolent eyes of Fatima and Basima, so our own morning repast was soon concluded.
For his morning repast, he prefers Wheaties.