At the morning ceremony, each speaker paid tribute to well-known figures from his political party or group who died in the 12-year war.
The morning ceremonies at ground zero were especially moving.
But after the somber morning ceremonies, you could feel the tone of the coverage change and even see the relief on the anchors' faces.
Torre had made a point of watching when his name was called during the morning ceremony yesterday at ground zero.
He was assassinated by a patient while rushing to a morning ceremony.
Angus did not accompany them to the kirk for the morning ceremony, some half league away.
The college awarded 2,903 bachelor's degrees in two morning ceremonies.
No more than one hundred people had assembled for the early morning ceremony.
He and his fellow musicians, he said, were preparing to play at the regular morning ceremonies.
The day's only official event was a morning ceremony in huge Bakshi Stadium.