The paper said the appointment of two long-discredited renegades from Solidarity was "a morbid joke."
The new morbid joke in Israel this week is "We're doing the ceasing; they're doing the firing."
Even the actual mode of execution is the subject of morbid jokes as the executioner, who garrots his victims, measures the neck size of his future son-in-law.
The players make morbid jokes about the lack of fan support.
A spooky melodramatic organ score (played by Lew White) punctuated Raymond's many morbid jokes and playful puns.
Mark Sandman has a voice that is deep like the bottom of a lake where bodies are dumped, a voice that specializes in comical horror stories and morbid jokes.
Williams, whose life was a quest for perfection, is now an ideal subject for morbid jokes and late-night monologues.
I mean, she always makes these morbid jokes about it.
Morgan's sign - but these were not Morgan's creatures, he understood dimly; they carried his banner as a kind of morbid joke on this frightened interloper who presumed to steal away their only reason for being.
Surely this supposed subterfuge was one of his morbid little jokes.