Payments for many other irreversible injuries are carefully delineated in somewhat morbid detail in the fine print of the law.
Jack relates all of this in morbid detail, and actually produces a tear, a single lonely bead running down one cheek for the jury to see.
Hear all the morbid details from the killer's own terrible lips.
He had dwelled upon the creature's feeding habits with customary morbid detail.
I had a strong stomach, but this clinical attention to morbid detail gagged me.
For the life of him, he couldn't understand this desire for the morbid details.
It serves no purpose to dwell on the morbid details. . . . Now perhaps someone else would like to share with us.
He compared what some would consider the morbid details of his injuries to the childhood memories that others savor and sift for their meanings.
He promptly embarked on a series of the most grotesque "experiments" of all, recording them for posterity in every morbid detail.
Or they read the morbid details in Mr. Iqbal's diaries.