The actions of A are morally equivalent to the actions of B.
For them, buying a Volkswagen is morally equivalent to blasphemy.
To illustrate why this is magic, consider the following morally equivalent, though somewhat ludicrous, scenario from the real world.
Killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person.
"And there's real resentment that because the Administration allowed the two cases to be considered morally equivalent, everyone else is now being asked these questions."
In a universe without meaning, all acts are morally equivalent.
The main point is clear: killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person.
"It is morally equivalent to taking [away the potential for] a heart transplant from a victim in a car accident."
I see few if any students who come away convinced that the two sides in this struggle were morally equivalent.
The group considers any use of animals for food or research to be morally equivalent to human slavery.