He believed in moral reformation and nothing else.
They believed they were leading a moral and cultural reformation, not just boosting the gross domestic product.
Among his neighbors were several people known for their wickedness, but Ze'era treated them with kindness in order to lead them to moral reformation.
Nasi promoted a moral reformation of the military and civil administration and he showed notable skills in dealing with indigenous chiefs.
The "movement" combined passion and responsibility in the firm purpose of instilling correct behaviour and moral reformation.
The Indian Reform Association was formed to promote "the social and moral reformation of the natives of India."
The seisachtheia however was merely one set of reforms within a broader agenda of moral reformation.
Ostrovsky, for whom the idea of the hero's moral reformation was crucial, totally disagreed.
Individual conduct and moral reformation were seen as the key to public health.
And his noble dancing affirmed his moral reformation.