He then conducts a more expansive critique of modernity's moral predicament, which renders impossible any project resting solely on ethical foundations.
When she writes about moral predicaments here she sounds like Henry James on crack.
WHAT are some of the sexual tensions and moral predicaments of seminary life?
The tale does eventually steer Garoux to an interesting if contrived moral predicament, but the payoff doesn't quite justify the journey.
But Geoghegan, in the course of dramatizing his own moral predicament, may have exaggerated its ills.
Stewart is alert to the moral predicament the industry presents, but she comes down on the side of realism.
Fat is a social and moral predicament once again.
Blowing the whistle on Eleanor's uncle, who has threatened suicide should his transgressions be revealed, presents Si with an even murkier moral predicament.
"I never thought that becoming an Adept would bring all these moral predicaments with it."