Mr. Head lay back down, feeling entirely confident that he could carry out the moral mission of the coming day.
He has this old-fashioned idea that art should be good for you; he's on a high moral mission to save people's souls.
There's a moral mission for the memorial?
Are we to forget the entire moral mission of our country through history?
The two writers are known for their strong sense of the moral and political mission of theater.
In architecture, we look for ideas that rise above elite taste and connect buildings to some broader social or moral mission.
All the laws must be observed because they built character and, by making Jews holy, enabled them to fulfill their moral mission to humanity.
This is the true moral mission of our time.
She seemed to think she had a moral mission to clean up the whole sept.
He carried himself with the self-conscious dignity of a person who has a great moral mission to fulfil.