The elections of May 1869, which took place during these disturbances, inflicted upon the Empire a serious moral defeat.
"If I come here and my week is unsuccessful, it would be a moral defeat for me," Kovalev said.
The New Democrats also suffered a moral defeat, losing their one seat-something they had won for the first time in 1982.
The alliance might win a military victory while suffering a moral defeat.
Despite this moral defeat, the Theban assembly met and decided upon war with Alexander with great enthusiasm.
Conspicuous success would actually be moral defeat.
Any retreat on this modest but essential academic standard would be a moral and educational defeat of major magnitude.
You've brought me over with all your skill and all your strength, but you didn't require of me the moral defeat.
In fact this victory was a moral defeat.
It is a moral defeat, too: for resistance to genocide.