The former referred to a natural, innate resemblance to God and the latter referred to the moral attributes (God's attributes) that were lost in the fall.
But one cannot attach moral attributes to the original Source of Being itself, because these would imply limitation.
These plays, celebrating piety generally, use personified moral attributes to urge or instruct the protagonist to choose the virtuous life over Evil.
The philosophical division of skills, strengths and moral attributes between the sexes - so repugnant to us today - was simply the way most people thought.
They complained that the documentary provided a distorted, low-brow view of Italians and failed to show the community's positive moral and cultural attributes.
Let the other Cakkras in their turn be thus destroyed, each one with its mental or moral attribute.
These were allegories, in which the protagonists met personifications of various moral attributes, the net effect being the encouragement to live a virtuous life.
These principles are distinct moral attributes that converge and unifies moral decision-making even within pluralistic environments.
The so-called 'moral' attributes are often cited in this context - ideas that God is wise, good, just, loving and so on.
Virgil is a person with the highest moral attributes who, however, at the time, also has at his disposal all the best that the technology of classical culture can provide.