Later that year he went moose hunting in Canada and accidentally shot his Indian guide, prompting an immediate return.
One of the boys, just before his sixteenth birthday, went moose hunting with the family doctor, and close personal friend of the entire family, Alexander Lambert.
They are used for moose hunting and sled pulling.
Pretty Barrens is about 15 miles outside the zone for legal moose hunting.
Since 1982, Maine has allowed only six days of moose hunting, usually in mid-October, in the legal zone, roughly the northern half of the state.
Of course if I should talk to you about moose hunting, you'll know what it's all about.
Deer, elk or moose hunting as well as duck hunting are activities in this heavily forested area.
The 7mm-08, with appropriate loads, meets the required standard for moose hunting in Sweden, Finland, and Norway.
Making a list without them is like going moose hunting and leaving your best bow at home.
During Takwâkin (autumn), the Atikamekw would go moose hunting.