His eyes adjusted to the moonless darkness after he had walked from the main compound into the service area.
The moonless darkness baffles, but the dog is close enough for Curtis to see that she's interested in the top of the hill that they recently crossed.
However, in the moonless darkness, King's force became dispersed and split into two parties: one led by King and the other by Lieutenant Angus.
It eased the moonless darkness, and slowly colored the desert from black to gray to red, the sky from indigo to soft orange; the mountains in the distance remained coal black.
He lifted his eyes to the still, moonless darkness beyond the reach of their lights.
He'd have room to explore up there, in the moonless darkness under the trees.
The body lay motionless under a new coat of snow, in moonless, starless darkness.
By 9 p.m. on the second day of its voyage, the Petro Ranger was chugging across calm seas in moonless, utter darkness.
In the moonless darkness - not even the streetlights were glowing - the towns were defined by the sounds that ricocheted through the warm night air.
When he finished caring for his horse, he rolled himself in his cloak and sat staring into the moonless darkness.