What could make the moon light up like that?
Her eyes darted around in the moon light, seeking something familiar and landed on a mound to the left of the cabin.
He flipped out a stiletto knife, the blade bright in the moon light.
Tyke looking hard, using only the little moon light from the cloud filled sky, finally saw something that was squirming on the rock.
These lights could have been Northern Lights that often appear with the moon light.
Her name comes from Sanskrita and the meaning is "moon light".
Specifically, the adventurers plan to make their way to a river and chart constellations in the full moon light.
They passed from the pale moon light into the shadows, and their eyes took a moment to adjust.
It was an old model Ford, long and wide, a dark color I couldn't discern in the moon light.
All of a sudden she had a strange desire to drink the glowing streak of moon light.