In this instance the moon was at its farthest distance from the earth and exerted even less than normal gravitational pull, leaving the waters relatively undisturbed.
Due to its proximity to the earth, the moon exerts roughly twice the tide raising force of the sun.
The moon, he knew, exerted an enormous gravitational pull on the seas.
However, the moon exerts a much stronger gravitational effect on the Earth than the Sun, dominating the ebb and flow of the ocean tides of the world.
Each moon or planet exerts gravity over the player character, requiring momentum to escape from the planet's orbit.
But that day, the moon was also almost at its farthest point from earth and exerted even less pull, leaving the waters relatively undisturbed and the marines in trouble.
It turns out, there's a way that we can generate electricity from the moon - thanks to the tides created by the gravitational pull the moon exerts on Earth's oceans.
The citizens of Matawan in 1916 would not have laughed at the idea that the full moon exerted a powerful effect on people, plants, and animals.
Is it possible that the moon, from its distant orbit nearly 250,000 miles (402,336 km) away can exert such influence over the human mind and body?
Newton then made it plain that the rise and fall of the water was simply a consequence of the attractive power which the moon exerted upon the oceans lying upon our globe.