To understand the future, he turned back to an old image of it, that monumental structure from the 19th century, the Brooklyn Bridge.
The first cathedral church, a monumental structure, was erected there.
The courthouse is a monumental structure built between 1862 and 1878 for more than $13 million paid by the city of New York.
This gives the city a number of monumental structures designed to represent the federal government and the nation.
Per Speer's plans, this was to anchor the south end of the main boulevard with the most monumental structures.
The Kaiserbahnhof is a monumental structure and the central building of the station.
This distribution of weight allowed early civilizations to create stable monumental structures.
Typically, each community has at its center a monumental public structure, usually built in a "U" shape.
The barn was a monumental structure when gauged against the tiny houses of the village.
A number of Roman founded cities had monumental structures.