It was also Josephine who set Redoute to work on his monumental series of rose paintings, many of which were done at Malmaison.
"Scenes of the World to Come" is the first in a monumental five-part series that the center will present over the next three years.
In the field of architecture, what the publishers describe as 'a monumental new series', Buildings of the United States, is intended to be a sort of Pevsner to that country.
Most notably, since 2007, he has been editor-in-chief of the monumental series, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources (Ashgate).
That effort led to a monumental 79-volume series known as the "Green Books."
Smithsonian Folkways has been releasing a monumental series of carefully recorded music from all over Indonesia, with extensive notes and plenty of selections that non-specialists can enjoy.
About four years passed before Longo turned the vision of a man shot in the back into a monumental series of drawings.
The monumental series by Twombly, titled Lepanto, refers to a naval battle in 1571 between the Ottoman and Holy League forces.
Most notable are two monumental series of engravings, "Les Roses" and "Les Liliaces," both well represented in the show.
After World War I, the German Republican Government opened up the archives of its Foreign Office and began publishing a monumental series of prewar diplomatic documents.