These monumental complexes were connected by a causeway, along which was a densely occupied elite residential area.
The first find most probably belonging to the monumental complex of Monti Prama was recovered in 1965.
There are no comparable monumental complexes from its time.
The monumental complex is not homogeneous but remains incomplete and the authors and founders are anonymous.
This building is part of a monumental complex of 28 structures.
With its two towers, including a clock tower, it forms a large monumental complex that often serves as the logo of the municipality.
Her massive building schemes would have transformed western Paris, as seen from the river, into a monumental complex.
Studies made to date, provide basis to determine that the monumental complex was constructed at different times.
A simple but rather monumental complex; an 18th-century porticoed square, which housed the vegetable market.
Here Phillips discovered a monumental complex whose interpretation remains controversial, despite ongoing fieldwork.