A first-century terra-cotta plaque in the exhibition provides a picture of the context in which such monumental bronzes were once displayed.
The noted choreographer was commissioned by the university's Neuberger Museum to devise a piece of choreography indicative of the monumental bronze.
Centered on top of this is a monumental bronze and limestone column, topped with a bronze figure by Doyle representing "Patriotism."
The 17-acre lawn is home to 13 monumental bronzes by Henry Moore, the largest collection of the British sculptor's work in the United States.
But you miss those extra dimensions, the effects of the changing light, the longer perspectives, the breathing space, the drama that a landscape lends to his monumental bronzes.
Most interesting are the small, dark early bronzes bristling with figures like pre-Columbian ceramics; a single monumental bronze of recent date is in the museum's courtyard garden.
Think about it: a monumental bronze on the front lawn might take you way beyond just keeping up with the Joneses.
The most unexpected works in the show are the four monumental bronzes on the terrace, from the "Sagacious Head" series.
Nudity (1985), modeled in clay and cast in bronze, was created for this show and is Kirili's first monumental (almost 7 feet tall) bronze.
His monumental bronzes commemorate the human figure and are featured in public places across America.