The monument also lists some of his military career.
The monument lists the names of 234,183 war dead, but it includes Okinawans who were killed in the Japanese Army in other battles.
The monument located in the St. Jean Baptiste Park lists the many names of pioneers and settlers to Morinville.
The monument lists the regiment's battle honours.
The monument lists the names of the 60 or so known burials at the site.
A monument near Fort Bend, Texas, lists his name as "William Smithers" and commemorates his founding of Fort Bend with four other men.
A monument there lists the names of all 95 victims.
Although the monument lists only 72 victims, at least 76 were known to have died in the blaze or in the days immediately following the disaster.
Anquetil is buried beside the church in the village of Quincampoix, north of Rouen, where a large black monument by the traffic lights lists all his achievements.
The monument made of granite from Finland listed all of the Romanov Tsars and had the coats of arms of the Russian provinces.