This work of art was found in a private residence and it appears that it must be interpreted as a monument donated by the owner celebrating the victory of a charioteer named Eros.
Facing the station is Argentine Air Force Square, where the Torre Monumental (formerly Torre de los Ingleses), a monument donated by the Anglo-Argentine community for the 1910 centennial celebrations, is located.
Nicolas Poussin is buried in the second chapel on the right, with a monument donated by Chateaubriand with a bust by Paul Lemoyne and a relief by Louis Desprez.
The monument, Mr. Doria said, will be visible to ships passing into New York Harbor, just like that more famous monument donated by France.
The park also features two monuments donated to the City displaying the names of local soldiers who passed away in battle during World War I and World War II.
The park's statues include Despoire and Malgre Tout, by Jesús Contreras, and a monument donated by the German community which is dedicated to Beethoven in commemoration of the centenary of his 9th Symphony.
The monument, donated by the city's Italian community in 1906, was sculpted by Pasquale Civiletti.
Actually, there are two sites: one, topped by a stone raven, marks the original spot; the other, a larger monument donated by Baltimore schoolchildren in the late 1800s, marks where Poe and his wife, Virginia, are now buried.
Some traditionalists say they fear that the name of the university's guest house, Rebel's Rest, will be next to go and that a monument donated by the United Daughters of the Confederacy commemorating Edmund Kirby-Smith, a Confederate general who taught at the university for nearly 20 years, will be removed.
A crumbling monument donated by a tombstone company squats by a derelict road.