The bill that changed the name of the national monument also called for an "Indian Memorial" to be built near Last Stand Hill.
In the area there is another monument called Mečkin Kamen.
In a nearby parade ground, a new monument called Hands of Victory soared a hundred and fifty feet into the air.
Stuyvesant, with 2,800 students from every borough, is itself a monument to optimism and excellence, called by many the best public high school in America.
It is a monument called Grandmother and Her Grandchildren.
Their favorite monument, called "Mother," a large cast-bronze statue of a seated woman.
They built religious monuments called megaliths.
A monument, called "Mother of Pirčiupiai", was erected in 1960 and commemorates the event.
Raffles wrote about a monument called borobudur, but there are no older documents suggesting the same name.
In 1782, he raised a Classicistic monument called Emiliekilde to the memory of his first wife.