A hearing could further delay a trial and might require the judge to dismiss the jurors and restart the months-long process of jury selection.
Far from being the final word, yesterday's vote sets in motion a months-long process of studies, reports and public hearings that will give board members opportunities to change their minds.
The months-long process began for her on Sept. 30, 2000 - a Sabbath, the Jewish New Year, and her birthday.
Inured to the notion that the presidential election is not decided on election day, or even the next day, but can sometimes be a months-long process.
Instead of paring the songs down as the group usually did, the months-long writing process for Daydream Nation resulted in long jams, some of a half hour.
This was upheld by nearly all of the combatants while the months-long process of arranging a treaty got under way.
This required a painstaking, months-long process of layering the raw canvas with (usually) lead-white paint, then polishing the surface, and then repeating.
"Professional Day" is the opportunity for our students to celebrate what they see as the completion of an arduous, months-long process of applying to school.
The school budget is made up largely of financing from the state and city, which are only now beginning the months-long process of settling their budgets.
And if there was general agreement on one point at the end of the months-long process, it was that such protection remained a worthwhile goal.