They also provide uniforms, and monthly supplies, as well as a modest allowance each month.
Back at the monastery, Father Gregorios was informed that the truck with the monthly supplies had arrived two days earlier than expected.
This includes monthly supplies of Materna baby formula for 1,400 infants.
The United States was about to make a counteroffer to this plan which included a monthly supply of fuel for civilian use.
I went down to the village again in March for my monthly supplies.
Now she's on what she calls a subscription service and receives a regular monthly supply.
We provide housing, churches, schools, medical facilities and wages that include a monthly supply of rice.
Prescriptions for monthly supplies of narcotics seem to be the rule.
Instead of money, the workers have received small monthly supplies of rice, peas, sugar, flour and some meat as an advance against their pay.
Last year, the average price for Lipitor, the top-selling cholesterol-lowering drug, was $85 for a monthly supply.