In June and July monthly precipitation reaches around 250 millimeter (10 in).
In over 81% of all places the monthly precipitation varies less.
The highest monthly precipitation in the area, on average, occurs in August.
As the Pacific High weakens and the polar front drops south, the region sees a doubling of the monthly precipitation.
The winter months tend to bring lower precipitation, on average, and February averages the least amount of monthly precipitation for the year.
Its wettest months are December through March when average monthly precipitation easily exceeds 300 mm.
Average monthly precipitation is 1.2 inches.
Average monthly precipitation in February falls below 60 mm, the threshold for a tropical dry season month.
The village also experiences a brief but noticeably drier season from December through February, where monthly precipitation on average does not exceed 60 mm.
Madrid, like the whole island of Mindanao is considered having a tropical climate, with an average monthly precipitation of 308.66 mm (12.5 inches).