Featuring hundreds of the area's most creative local artists, this monthly market is juried for quality and always features local food, music and kids' activities.
Kingsland has a village centre that contains a series of shops, restaurants, pubs, and monthly markets.
The town has a monthly market.
The village has a reasonably large village hall which holds many clubs such as woodturning, yoga and even a monthly market.
The village was set out c. 1700 on receiving a grant from Queen Anne to hold a monthly market in the area.
A monthly market is held behind the Bernard Shaw pub on Richmond Street.
Since early in 2007, Lake Leschenaultia has been the venue for the monthly local market.
And on the two days of the monthly market, the town's population increased fivefold.
It also provides a wide range of adult education courses, holds a monthly market, and offers activities and services for all ages.
Local produce is also to be found at markets held around the Peninsula, such as the monthly market at Red Hill.