These standardized measures were constructed by first calculating median monthly dose of each drug type received in the entire study cohort during the study period.
Give the seedlings bright sun, moderate temperatures (55 to 65 degrees) and monthly doses of half-strength fertilizer.
The average wholesale price for a monthly dose of Lupron in 1995 was almost $500, according to court papers.
Remedy - they should make at least one house call a day, and their monthly doses of pay must be drastically reduced.
That would suggest the person would have received only a few monthly doses at most, since the drug was not generally available before November.
A month or two later I had another routine test, and had to have two more monthly doses of the antiparasite drug.
Then continue taking your monthly dose in the morning on your originally chosen day of the month.
MDT remains highly effective, and people are no longer infectious after the first monthly dose.
The monthly doses priced at around $3000 are expected to be slashed significantly for wider access to cancer therapy.