Richard Lederer is also a monthly contributor.
In 2011 Greco was named as a monthly contributor to Longitude, the international journal of foreign affairs and international business.
For ten years he was the editor of Tabletalk, a publication of Ligonier Ministries, and is still a monthly contributor to the magazine.
Sandor was a monthly contributor to Environmental Finance Magazine of London, for the column How I See It, since 1999.
He is currently a monthly contributor to Morning Mouth magazine, a trade publication for radio morning shows.
In November 2009, Cooper was named a "thought leader" by Forbes and now serves as a monthly contributor of opinion-editorials to its online education channel-which receives over 40 million unique visitors each month.
He has been a monthly contributor to Dome Magazine, with his column titled "Rick Cole at-large".
Chopra is also a monthly contributor to The Times of India Speaking Tree.
Since 2004 Olivia has been a monthly contributor to Playboy Magazine, where her art pinup page appears with captions written by Hugh Hefner.
His work is translated regularly, particularly into Mandarin, Chinese, as he is a monthly contributor to the popular CUP Magazine, often referred to as China's Vanity Fair.