You won't retire to a little tabac in Nice and get a monthly cheque from some phoney insurance company.
What would happen when the monthly cheque was no longer paid into the bank?
Valerie in the meantime learns from Kinz that Torresani has a wife and two children, and she decides that she can no longer accept the monthly cheques.
Dealers are always relieved to see their monthly cheques, and, even more, to have them cleared.
I think I already knew then that I would not return to my job at the Polytechnic, for the security of that monthly cheque had lost all meaning.
She lives frugally near Bournemouth, sustained by monthly cheques from her only son.
On Chicago's south side the day the monthly cheque arrives is nicknamed 'mother's day', because that is when absent sons and husbands turn up.
We can arrange the payments in any way that you prefer, as a quarterly or a monthly cheque, for example.
Your monthly cheque, after the tax has been deducted, will be about seventy-five pounds.
They stopped the monthly cheque and her son could not go to university.