It ran for nine months, including a month-long tour across Sweden.
Spears had on a month-long international promotional tour in support of Oops!
The group plays concerts in the Washington, DC area as well performing a month-long national tour each year.
In late 1995, Meshuggah went on a month-long tour with Hypocrisy.
The month-long tour, during January 1978, turned out to be a big disappointment for both the sides.
They finished off 2012 with a month-long tour from mid-November through mid-December.
In the fall she will be taken on a month-long tour of Northeastern ports.
There was a door to the right which would lead to living quarters for the crew during their month-long tours.
Subsequently, they invited the Combo over to England for another month-long tour.
Shortly thereafter, he accompanied the band on a month-long tour of the US.