Later there came a reprimand for a breach of rules and, not long after, a six month suspension for a further misdemeanour.
"I thought one month suspension for damage to the door and counseling would be proper."
The Chicago Tribune resumed limited use of Journatic's services after a five month suspension.
Ortega served a 4 month suspension from that day.
This led to six month suspension in national competitions.
Tebow and the Broncos just gave Harrison a five month suspension with pay.
He had previously tested positive for cocaine, and received a 14 month suspension, as an amateur in 2004.
According to the Associated Press, he agreed to a 12 month suspension of his judicial license in addition to other punishments.
He subsequently received an 18 month suspension from the DCI.
Following the match, Ford was cited for abusing and physically threatening the field umpire which resulted in a 12 month suspension.