The aim is for the section to continue to develop and in the coming months will feature a country specific section.
However, the month of August and September combined featured only two tropical cyclones.
The month featured an ACE value of 37.22, eclipsing the previous record set in 1984.
Recent months, for instance, have featured Frank Sinatra specials done a couple of decades ago for commercial television.
As a result, the first six-plus months of Gong featured approximately twenty minutes of program content in a twenty-five minute episode.
The month of October featured only two tropical cyclones.
The month of March features Cheese downstairs and Indian upstairs.
The first month in the new school featured student protests, leaky roofs, and problems with the school's (at the time) state-of-the-art solar heating system.
Each month would feature a drawing by Wrightson complete with a short vignette by King.
He also said that the months leading up to the events featured media commentary and hostility towards Angola.