And so, late last month, Atabay announced his intention to scramble his signal.
On October 16, 2012, just months after their public engagement, the couple announced their breakup.
Several months later the band announced that they had left the label.
This year the UK will hand out £290 million, not including the £48m in emergency aid announced last month, a 24-fold increase over the past decade.
On July 18, 1812, less than a month before the election, Shelby acquiesced and announced his candidacy.
Every few months, the administration has announced that revenues are falling short of expectations and that the state will have to borrow additional money.
Three months after getting married Pia announced she was pregnant.
On Friday, more than a month after the incident, the district attorney's office announced that charges had been brought against all three men.
Last month, 12 other internationally known artists also announced their refusal to exhibit in the new museum.
It has announced plans to cut 3,500 jobs this year alone and last month announced that earnings would fall short of expectations.